Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Presentation of research

By research results of the Department at 2007-2012 years:

Developed and established:

- at Novogorlovsky Engineering Plant – justification methods of the parameters and schemes of loading and transportation work organization at conducting galleries by drilling and explosion with use the loading machines (with DonRCI);

-at “Krivbassproekt” institute – “Initial conditions for creating small-sized scooptrams for development the thin steeply dipping veins” (with Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine);

- at DTEK Pavlogradugol – “Rational technological schemes for use ropeways and calculation method for them exploitation”;

- at mines of the Ukraine Coal Industry –industry requirements standard “IRS 10.00185790.007:2006 Locomotive mining transport. Transport people and cargos in galleries with track slope from 0.005 to 0.050. General technical requirements” (with DonRCI and DTEK Pavlogradugol);

at “Dneprhyproshacht” institute – “Program and methods of mine research of interaction monorails with barring of development galleries during transportation multiton cargos for West Donbas mines conditions”.

Results of researches are presented at international science forums, seminars, and conferences:

School of underground mining. International conference. Dnepropetrovsk-Yalta;

V, VI International Conference “Coalbed methane in Ukraine”. Dnepropetrovsk;

School of underground exploitation. Krakow, Poland;

National Chinese Conference “Drilling and exploration technologies of mineral deposits”. Nannin’, China.

XI International Conference “Degasification of coal seams ”, Sian’, China.

36th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy. Mishcolts, Hungary.

37th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy “Engineer competences – traditions and innovations”. Moscow, Russia.

VIII International Conference “High technical education. Problems and perspectives in Bologna process context”. NTU KPI

International seminar “ECTS introduction at Ukrainian universities”. Kyiv, KNEU.

10th International Conference “High school: problems and perspectives”. Minsk, Belarus.

Published the educational literature with Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine stamp:

- Transport at mining enterprises; 

- Exploitation calculations of quarries transport complexes;

- Calculation of mining locomotive transport;

- Collection of problems on the subject “Basis of transport theory”;

- Foundation theory and calculations for transport vehicles of mine cargos; 

- Transportation and storage logistics of mining enterprises; 

- Basis of transport theory;

- Processes of underground gas storage;

- Information and methodological support of the education process;

- Mining engineer handbook for coal mines with steep (high-angle) incline coal seams.

Published the monographs:

- Mine ropeways;

- Design of coal mines which developing steep and high-angle inclined seams;

- Adaptation mining scraper conveyors to the conditions of production;

- Calculation algorithm of scraper conveyors;

- Justification ways to improve the development technology of fine-stranded gold deposits of Ukraine.




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