Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

  Laboratory material base

Through constant creative relationship with the production members of theБезымянный2.JPG Department (especially the heads: academics O. Spivakovskiy, M. Polyakov, professors B. Kuznetsov, A. Renhevych, M. Bilichenko, L. Shirin), laboratory facilities constantly replenished with new samples of mining transport equipment and facilities. Now in special laboratories students studied design existing samples of scraper conveyors SK - 38 SR - 53 SP - 202 and belt conveyors type 1L80 and RTU-30, mine locomotives AM - 8d and K10, loading machine EPM-1, mine wagons types VG2,5, VDK, VLN 


Also, students obviously acquainted with the designs of mine track, contact locomotive haul network and complex for charging rechargeable batteries ZUK75-120. 



Fixed installed equipment specifications, instruments, units



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