History of DepartmentThe Department of Transport Systems and Technologies of the National Mining University - the first department of this profile that was established in the mining higher educational institutions of the CIS countries. In 1922 it established by mechanical engineer A.O. Spivakovsky and mining engineer N.S. Polyakov. The founders of the department, outstanding mining scientist, considered the coal mine operations as an integral part of the process of mining production "mining - transportation - shipment of minerals." It is from these positions were defined the aims and objectives of the Department "Mine Transport" in training of specialists for the mining industry of the country. They have made a significant contribution to the formation and development of the department, basis its research directions and independent lecture course "Mine Transport". Traditionally, the course "Mine Transport" included a number of basic disciplines of mine transport directions for the training of mining specialists, and mechanical and mine construction profiles. According to the directions of training formed schools of the scientific activity and contingent of employees of the department. Since the founding of the department was headed by professors and outstanding mining scientist: A.O. Spivakovsky, A.I. Epstein, N.S. Polyakov, B.A. Kuznetsov, B.G. Stockman, A.A. Rengevich, N.Y. Bilichenko. Each of them kept the continuity in teaching and research activities, has made an invaluable contribution to the formation of an independent department "Mine Transport ". Under the direction of N.S. Polyakov collective of the department has enriched by classic scientific works that have an important role in the development of the mine transport school of the National Mining University.
Mine transport school of the National Mining University During the postwar year’s department received the name the All-Union forges of scientific and pedagogical staff. During the period from 1945 to 1987, the department has trained more than 70 candidates and 5 doctors of technical sciences. Training highly qualified specialists were engaged by outstanding scientist mining science of mine transport: - mining engineer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - NS Polyakov; - mechanical engineers, doctors of technical sciences, professors – I.G. Shtokman, A.A. Rengevich; - civil engineers, doctors of technical sciences, professors of B.A. Kuznetsov, N.Y. Bilichenko. |