Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
The Department of Transport Systems and Technologies

Head of the Department is Leonid Nikiforovich  Shirin,  a mining engineer, Doctor of technical sciences, professor, educator of Ukraine.


The department trains specialists in underground mining of mineral deposits to take higher education degrees of Bachelor, Specialist and Master and gives knowledge in mining to students of other specialities.  The teaching staff of the department consists of 4 Doctors of technical sciences, professors, and 9 candidates of technical sciences, associate professors and 5 assistants.

According to the requirements of mining companies to the content of professional training, the department trains students in "Transport Systems and Logistics of Mining Enterprises", and since 2005 it started to train students in"Technology of Gas Accumulation and  Transporting ". The appropriateness of such training was confirmed at the international scientific conference "Methane of coal fields of Ukraine" to be traditionally held at N.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Highly qualified specialists at the department are trained at doctoral, postgraduate and master courses on specialties 05.15.02 "Underground mining" and 05.05.06 "Mining machines".

Scientific work is carried out in the following areas of the world famous school of mine transport DMI, which was created by N.S. Polyakov, academician of the  National Academy of  Sciences of Ukraine, one of the founders of the department:


-  adaptation of transportation means and diagnostic methods of main cargo to modern conditions of production of coal and ore mines;

- research of rolling stock of mine rail transport and additional transport while mining with a variable profile;

- research of loading machines and self-propelled equipment of ore mines;

- geomechanical substantiation of technological schemes parameters of methane extraction, accumulation, transportation and utilization in coal deposits;

– normative and methodological provision of credit-transfer system of the educational process.

The department has:

- Subject lecture room 510, building 7 named after of prof. A.A. Rengevich and room 512, building 7;

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- Computer class with 8 modern computers and other information technology;

- Laboratory base equipped with functional rail transportation units, belt and drag conveyors and other equipment;

The teaching staff of the department and the students of   «Transport Systems and Logistics of Mining Enterprises" and "Technology of Gas Accumulation and  Transportation" founded a student research centre named after B.A. Kuznetsov (Room 508, building 7).


On December 2, 2009 there was an inauguration ceremony of the subject lecture room named after A.A. Rengevich in building 7 of the National Mining University. G.G. Pivnyak, rector of the NMU, academician of the National Academy of Sciences as well as the university teaching staff and graduates participated at that event.

This lecture room will memorialise an outstanding man and scientist who long has been the head of the department. A.A. Rengevich fought in the war. Later he became a professor and devoted his life to mining. From 1963 to 1972 Alexander Alexandrovich was the rector, and he always helped his native department.

The Department of TST has strong ties with managers and specialists of mining enterprises and oil and gas complex of Ukraine: mine named after Zasyadko, Ukrainian Research Institute of natural gas, gas pipeline administration "Kharkovtransgas", Proletarsky production administration of underground gas storage, and others. For the first time at the NMU the department initiated the holding of trial examinations in regions and organized competitions in Dzerzhinsk, Gorlovsky, Pavlograd and Selidove Mining Collegies.

For more effective career counseling the department of TST created an educational, research and ndustrial complex "National Mining University - Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the NAS of Ukraine - Zasyadko mine" in the area of "mining - transportation - processing - alternatives energy sources backup".





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