![]() Mining engineer, doctor engineering sciences, professor, excellent education of Ukraine, head of department from 1995 - 2019. He graduated in 1969 Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute on specialty "Technology and complex mechanization of underground mining of mineral resources." Doctoral dissertation on "Physical and technical bases of technology development fine wiring of steeply dipping deposit pneumatic hydraulic mechanized complexes" defended his in 1994. Science is dedicated to the creation of the mechanized treatment systems for the development of thin steep seams and lived. According to the research defended his Ph.D. (1982) and doctorate (1994) of the dissertation Contact: avenue Karl Marx 19. Bldg. 7, com. 505 Phone: (0562)47-08-79, e-mail: YavorskaiaV@nmu.org.ua, dyachkovp@nmu.org.ua ![]() Mining engineer and electrician, Doctor of technical science, professo Finished Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute by specialty “Mining electromechanics” in 1973 year, in 1976 – graduate school at Department of Mining Transport . Cand. Tech. Sc. from 1983, dissertation defended at Institute of Geomechanics by specialty 05.05.06 “Mining machines” by theme “Justification of operational and exploitation parameters and improvement chocks-wheel brakes of mining locomotives”. From 1977 works at Department of Mining Transport (currently – Transport System and Technologies Department) engineer, assistant, associate professor. Throughout the all years carried out scientific research and design work. Participated in scientific conferences in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Poland. Developed projects for improve the reliability and technical level of mining electric locomotives. Cooperates with Yasnogorskyi and Drujkovskyi machinery plants, DonRCI, MakSRI, “Automatgormash”, DTEK “Pavlogradugol”. Co-author of IRS and member of the industry committee of mining transport and commission of factory and mine research of new samples of locomotive transport. Cooperates with Institute of Mechanics of Metallopolymer systems of National Academy of Science of Belarus. Currently a lecturer on disciplines: “Basis of transport theory”, “Transport systems at mining enterprises”, “Transport machines and complexes at mining enterprises”. Contacts: Karl Marx Av., 19, building. 7, rm. 503, tel.: (0562)46-90-42. ![]() SALOV VOLODIMIR OLEKSANDROVICH Mining mechanical engineer, head of educational department, PhD. those. , Professor, honored worker of education of Ukraine Academic degree: Candidate of Science from 1972 Specialty 05.06.05 Mining machines. Diploma MTN number 08696. Subject of the thesis "Investigation of electromagnetic rail brakes of mine rolling stock." Academic title: assistant professor since 1978 in the department of mining transport. Passport DC number 018532. Position: Professor of Transport Systems and Technologies, Director of the Resource Center of Novosibirsk State University, Candidate of Science. Teaches regulatory discipline master's programs: "Pedagogy of Higher Education", "Modeling of a specialist," "Modeling of education and vocational training specialists." Has the certificate of "International Engineering Education teacher ING PAED IGIP» (2004). He published over 200 scientific papers, including 9 training books approved by the Ministry. Contact: Karl Marx Avenue 19, Bldg. 11, com. 6 phone.: (0562) 47-23-21, e-mail: SalovV@nmu.org.ua |