Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Mining engineer and electrician, Doctor of technical science, professo

Finished Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute by specialty Mining electromechanics in 1973 year, in 1976 graduate school at Department of Mining Transport . Cand. Tech. Sc. from 1983, dissertation defended at Institute of Geomechanics by specialty 05.05.06 Mining machines by theme Justification of operational and exploitation parameters and improvement chocks-wheel brakes of mining locomotives. From 1977 works at Department of Mining Transport (currently Transport System and Technologies Department) engineer, assistant, associate professor.

Throughout the all years carried out scientific research and design work. Participated in scientific conferences in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Poland. Developed projects for improve the reliability and technical level of mining electric locomotives. Cooperates with Yasnogorskyi and Drujkovskyi machinery plants, DonRCI, MakSRI, Automatgormash, DTEK Pavlogradugol. Co-author of IRS and member of the industry committee of mining transport and commission of factory and mine research of new samples of locomotive transport. Cooperates with Institute of Mechanics of Metallopolymer systems of National Academy of Science of Belarus.

Basic scientific activity related with deciding problems:

modeling of dynamics in friction units in transport vehicles;

morphological analysis of the brakes as tribo logical system;

topography of rough surfaces, methods of them describing and assessing ;

scientific foundation of development of brakes and frictions as a mechatronic systems.

Currently a lecturer on disciplines: Basis of transport theory, Transport systems at mining enterprises, Transport machines and complexes at mining enterprises.


The 63 studies are published, 35 in in specialized publications (8 without another authors), 6 patents for inventions and useful models, 22 materials of national and international scientific conferences.

Contacts: Karl Marx Av., 19, building. 7, rm. 503,

tel.: (0562)46-90-42.

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