Technology of Gas Accumulation and Transportation
Jobs: - Mining companies which recover methane; - Gas-main pipelines; - Underground and surfase gas storages; - Municipal enterprises and natural gas supply networks. Professional duties of specialists are engineering support of extraction (particularly methane), design and operation of gas transmission systems and gas supply facilities. Education and qualification levels - bachelor, specialist and master. Qualification – mining engineer "Technology of Gas Accumulation and Transportation" specialty area.
The Content of Specialist’s Basic Education Program for "Technology of Gas Accumulation and Transport"
FOR UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE GRADUATESA new system of education is aimed at fast-track training of mining engineers for this specialization, considering graduates of higher educational establishments of first and second levels of accreditation. Terms of education: Bachelors – 3 years of full-time learning and of distant learning; Specialist - 1 year of full-time learning, 1.5 years of distant learning. Master - 1,5 year of full-time learning, of distant learning. Education conditions – at the expense State budget of funds or on contract for legal entities and individuals. NMU Students, the possibility to:– be trained as reserve officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; – get a second diploma in another specialty area; – learn on individual curriculum; – get an additional training on law, economics, foreign languages, management, obtaining the relevant certificates. |